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jojo2592 05-16-2006 09:31 PM

another memory question

I have another memory question. How do I find the memory I have? And if I need more, how do I install it? Do I have to get another hard drive? Thanks!!!

Sami 05-17-2006 03:15 PM

Hi Jojo,

Memory is commonly referred to as RAM which you can find out by right clicking on your My Computer Icon and Properties it will display how much memory (RAM) you have for example it will say 512 MB of RAM

But I guess you want to know your Hard disk capacity and how much empty space is left on it. Double click on My Computer icon and select c:drive on the right side it will show Total Size and Free Space of your hard drive

If you have very less Free space left on it, first you can try to clean up your hard disk if that does not free much space you can go for a second hard drive.

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