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benzaloy 12-07-2007 06:45 PM

An unknown item in Registry
In my 'My Documents' there is an item "cc_20071111_0931.reg".
When I tried to open it to see what it is: the options were:
'Merge' and 'Open with . . .' among others.
Not knowing what it would merge with I chose the 'Open with ...'
and the Dialog Box offered to open with 'Registry Editor'.
Again not knowing what Registry editor is and not wanting to
mess around in Registry, as advised by IT people, I closed down.
My Qn is:
1... what is this?
2... could this be occupying space in Hard Disk?
3... if it is deleted would it increase 'free space' in Hard Disk and
thereby enhance performance of my laptop?
4... am not being sarcastic, please, there is a Qn posed here re
'a friend's hcl laptap' ... is this a typing error or a new thing?
If 4 above is inappropriate here please delete it.
Thank you,

squirrelnmoose 12-07-2007 07:24 PM

It does have an extension indication it is a registry key. What it's for I don't know. It's safe to delete it as it's just a file. When you double click it it will add the values to the registry. But if you don't know what it's from I wouldn't add it to the registry.
Deleting files won't speed up your computer unless your hard drive is running out of free space it will only free up more space. If you remove programs that are starting up at boot, that will give you a performance gain.

You can see what is starting up at boot using msconfig, and uncheck anything you don't want starting at boot. (click start, run, type 'msconfig', hit enter. In msconfig, click startup tab.)

This is my favorite tool for controlling startup programs and process's. It's not free, but does have a trial period.
WinTasks 5 Professional - Process Management Made Easy

benzaloy 12-07-2007 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by benzaloy (Post 9012)
In my 'My Documents' there is an item "cc_20071111_0931.reg".
When I tried to open it to see what it is: the options were:
'Merge' and 'Open with . . .' among others.
Not knowing what it would merge with I chose the 'Open with ...'
and the Dialog Box offered to open with 'Registry Editor'.
Again not knowing what Registry editor is and not wanting to
mess around in Registry, as advised by IT people, I closed down.
My Qn is:
1... what is this?
2... could this be occupying space in Hard Disk?
3... if it is deleted would it increase 'free space' in Hard Disk and
thereby enhance performance of my laptop?
4... am not being sarcastic, please, there is a Qn posed here re
'a friend's hcl laptap' ... is this a typing error or a new thing?
If 4 above is inappropriate here please delete it.
Thank you,

This is my 3rd attempt to see the advise posted for me according to the link i got through the email received from sys chat.

benzaloy 12-07-2007 08:36 PM

An Unknown Item in Registry
This is in reference to the advise for me.

Thank you. I wish to make use of WinTasks 5 professional - Process Management Made Easy. But I cannot make any payment at the moment.

I shall delete the entry in my 'My Documents'.

Thank you for your concerned efforts in helping and guiding me.

My words aren't enough to express my gratefulness I feel.


benzaloy 12-07-2007 09:14 PM

Unknown item in my Registry
As advised unchecked two files, by going through Run > msconfig > but a warning box came up and demanded that 'choose normal start up and undo changes made.' I complied with the demand and restarted computer twice as a result.
Thank you.

squirrelnmoose 12-08-2007 03:49 AM

I'm not sure what box's you unchecked under the Startup tab. If you aren't sure which ones you need search google or the link below for the name of the file starting, eg: acrotray.exe .

Or use the free trial I suggested before, uninstall it when the trial period runs out if you don't intend to buy it at that time. There are similar programs out there for free, but none that I've tried that show you information about the file so you can determine if it's needed or not.

If you want some further tweaks for performance visit Black Viper's OS Guides and go to the Services Configuration guide for your operating system.
Black Viper's Operating System Guides

Anytime you change msconfig it will prompt you to restart and display a message on start up that starup options have changed..., check the box not to display this message again.

benzaloy 12-08-2007 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by squirrelnmoose (Post 9022)
I'm not sure what box's you unchecked under the Startup tab. If you aren't sure which ones you need search google or the link below for the name of the file starting, eg: acrotray.exe .

Or use the free trial I suggested before, uninstall it when the trial period runs out if you don't intend to buy it at that time. There are similar programs out there for free, but none that I've tried that show you information about the file so you can determine if it's needed or not.

If you want some further tweaks for performance visit Black Viper's OS Guides and go to the Services Configuration guide for your operating system.
Black Viper's Operating System Guides

Anytime you change msconfig it will prompt you to restart and display a message on start up that starup options have changed..., check the box not to display this message again.

Thanks friend, somehow or the other I don't want to use 'trial' period knowing i won't buy. Thanks to your valuable guidance my laptop is now working pretty well. Almost like my daughter's Desk Top that i used at the initial stages of my introduction to Internet. Reading your lengthy advises I realise how much of research you are doing b4 posting your entries. I just can't thank you enough.
Now that my laptop is in satisfactory working order, I wish to get onto the next item of uploading content to my blog site. I tried last night and am disappointed. In their list of supported web sites 'New Blogger' and 'Live Journal' are listed. When tried to register, only Live Journal was ok.
and for New Blogger they said, unceremoniously, 'sorry not yet'. Damn shame. Thanks again, ben

squirrelnmoose 12-09-2007 12:13 AM

What are you using for blogging? Or are you trying to create one? looks like they give you what you need to share stuff from on any site you own.

You may wnat to check out Windows Live software. You can get a blog, photo sharing, online storage space, email, and more for free all intergrated with each other. And if you don't like their blog format (I don't) you can use Live Writer to post to many other platforms.

Windows Live

You can check out my test page here.

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