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ChatMod#1 02-09-2006 02:03 AM

Same here. I use like 10 softwares at the same time, and download like 3 things at the same time and keep the comp for like the whole day, and it still works properly.

William_Wilson 03-11-2006 02:10 AM

AMD in this monster, but to be honest they both have there place, my laptop is currently an intel, so i guess i technically run both.

Risherz 03-11-2006 11:38 AM

AMD and Intel are basically sort of like equal companies now. Their prices also seem to be almost the same now. Before Intel Core Duo's I would say that AMD was probably the best bet because if you want a laptop with 64 bit processing chances are that you would most likely go for AMD Athlon 64 or Turion 64, but now since Intel has launched their newer ones (even though they might be a lil' late) obviously the newer the processors and chipsets are the better they get.

So right now I'd say that they are equal, but Intel sort of has the upper hand because they've got a newer line of processors.

ComDriver 03-11-2006 06:57 PM

I'd have to say AMD, though really it depends on the task or what you will be using the computer most for. If you play games a lot AMD and if you work with digital video a lot, Intel.

a_brewsy 03-17-2006 03:05 PM

its the one ive always used
just naver tried AMD

zCon 03-28-2006 12:21 AM

I've been using an AMD machine for a while now and I'm quite happy with it. AMD has been doing a good job for a long time, and they are usually a bit cheaper than intel with equivilent or better quality product.

chocolatee 03-31-2006 04:15 AM

well, i always just have my pc assembled by somebody else and i let the person choose what processor to put...anyway, i've always had intel so i guess it's intel for me...

bamboo 02-28-2007 06:33 PM

Been with AMD from the time Intel moved away from you being able to swap them. Those were the days when Cyrex was around.
Also find that AMD is more robust.

joshua77 03-02-2007 03:10 AM

Hi well,
I feel Intel is good for my place because Our place is usually very hot..I think AMD produce more heat than Intel..So It's not suitable for 24/7 working hours..Also I work using many software so I didn't prefer AMD till now...But I agree AMD is very good For Gaming and small desktop applications because of their speed and Low cost..

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