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raven 02-11-2006 08:00 PM

AMD motherboards
I have bought two AMD motherboards(with processor) for a small amount of money from a major department store. the first board I bought the processor was burnt. Mind you I had bought new. I had the board tested at the Store. They would not refund the money or take the board back because the processor was bad. They did give store credit for the bad processor though. So I proceeded to buy a second one. I still have both sitting in their boxes.
Has anyone else experienced bad AMD motherboards or was it just me?

ChatMod#1 02-18-2006 05:01 AM

I have never bought anything like hardware except for a ADSL modem from any stores. I always get it made and i only pay for it.

Knightmare 02-23-2006 01:05 PM

But the processor was integrated to the motherboard? Cause in that case, it doesn't mind if it is AMD, Intel or whatsoever, that's never a good choice.

Firefox 03-05-2006 07:50 PM

Knightmare I think he meant that he bought 2 Mobos and 2 CPUs, all seperate, but as a package deal (correct me if I'm wrong raven).

I have had one or two dead CPUs fresh out of the box, from both Intel and AMD, and most stores will not refund on CPUs or Mobos because you can't prove you didn't rush home and assemble it all wrong and fried it yourself :)

Still like anything you buy, now and then a dodgy part gets through the system, is shipped and sold and the customer ends up with dead components. Sad I know, but at least you got store credit.

William_Wilson 03-06-2006 12:30 AM

personally building my current computer i recieved a bum AMD cpu AND a fried mobo (gigabyte). But i had purchased both from, and i returned them within their grace period and recieved brand new parts... along with a nice bonus for my trouble. Both new parts work absolutly wonderfully, my motherboard came with an auto bus detect, or as i chose to do, set it manually for the inevitable overclocking.
they wrap the parts in plastic... plastic can conduct static... i think you see where i'm going with this... bad parts out of the box can happen, so test them fast and get your replacements.

foxvince 03-07-2006 05:43 AM

Definitely AMD is a very bad motherboard.It easily burned inside.
I have this bad experience also with AMD.
Since then I did't buy again.Although it much cheaper but you must consider the quality of the board also.

extremepixie 04-09-2006 11:43 PM

What do you mean by department store? I buy cpu/mobo combos all the time from places like Fry's... I would not buy them from JC Penny's.

jaybuck 02-05-2007 03:29 PM

Sorry for your bad luck. I buy mobo/cpu combos all the time from online vendors, but have never tried to buy one from a store, only because I always find better deals online. Just make sure you read their return/refund policy carefully before making your purchase!

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