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djhightek2000 10-11-2009 10:10 AM

Agere Systems HDA Modems
What is the best Modem to use for my Acer Notebook Computer. I Downloaded the latest Version from Acer's Website not long ago and it states that this Modem is a 56k V92 Modem but it is very, very slow bringing up pages. It is so slow that I have yet to see Windows Updates run on my System running Windows XP Service Pack 3. And I did Download the Driver for Windows XP. I also need to know could it be something else like the Network is somehow enabled and causing these problems. I also have a 56k V92 Modem in one of my Desktops and know the Speed this type of Modem should be producing but is not. Any help here? Thanks. :frown: :frown: :frown:

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