Hey, I'm 62 so I have you all beat! But I am so immature, that I sometimes forget, and think that I am still a teenager ... I really don't feel any different, ...just look different. I still am ... whoops, won't go down that road
I started with DOS not DoS... then on to WIN32...and through them all. Loved 98SE the best. In retrospect: would opt for DOS + Win98SE + many small hard drives. Not into any form of media...too much hype and the need to get bigger, faster and "expensifer." I do a lot of writing...so a good word processor is needed.
I love messing with the computer's brains...dumb as a brick they are! They are only as good as they have been programmed to be. Couldn't think for themselves if they were paid to do it. Always cleaning up after them...as bad as a baby!
And they are addictive...been there done that, as they say...got real sick in the early days, once I discovered that they were as fun as my other toys.
And they keep every one's grey matter loose and pumped! ...especially for us Obi Wans...
May the FORCE be with you...