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gheryemane 09-01-2007 10:34 AM

about my monitor
I am having a problem
with my computer's monitor.
It never displays the true color instead the whole screen is filled with yellow
color. i've tried to adjust it by pressing the user mode buttons on the monitor
in the color choice/"RGB"/the only blue color shows me an effect.but the rest RED & GREEN colors are not available how can I,restore my computer to earlier setting. I've even tried to adjust the color in Display,settings but I couldn't.

codezmith 02-27-2008 07:26 PM

how new/old is the monitor ...

is it pluged in corectly

this sounds like a loose cable or wireing problem

squirrelnmoose 02-27-2008 10:07 PM

I agree, most likely a cable problem. Check the connections or a new cable. Could also be the monitor. If the red/green is not adjustable, try setting it to factory defaults.

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