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sudheer413 05-20-2007 08:21 PM

about ms dos 6.22
when i've got mydos 6.22 ver. diskettes those are not working replying error message as the disk is not formatted i quite disappointed what is the problems there nowa days i'm finding all disks with these errors

mhookem 05-21-2007 05:17 AM

Hello Sudheer, are all your floppy disks becoming corrupted?


William_Wilson 05-21-2007 01:01 PM

this error can be from disk corruption, or a malfunctioning drive. Try the disks in another computer and if the same error occurs, likely the disks are too old, or have come in contact with a large electrical or magnetic force where they were stored.

Risherz 05-21-2007 05:25 PM

Hmm... I'm guessing that your disks are probably old. According to Microsoft (Floppy Disk is Not Accessible, Not Formatted, or Not Recognized by Windows) older disks tend to have this problem. So, try reformatting them if possible, although you will loose all your data in them, they might be used in the future.

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