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-   -   able to see videos on youtube, but not hear them. even though my speakers work. (

kimberly 06-27-2009 11:43 AM

able to see videos on youtube, but not hear them. even though my speakers work.
I can see the videos, but unable to hear them. My speakers work because when I log on they do their little sound. Also, when games are played I can hear the background. I downloaded Adobe Flash, but it doesn't show up on my monitor. At first I couldn't even see the videos, but fooled around a bit with my control panel and then the videos came on, but still no sound. I am not the smartest when it comes to computers so I need help.

kimberly 06-27-2009 11:45 AM

I think I messed up. I'm supposed to download, once I summit this?

hardhead 06-27-2009 02:20 PM

Some times the sound codecs just don't match up to what format a sound/video is produced in.

Google for video/sound codecs and install them. You should not have to pay for them...

wait check this out for the free codecs:

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