Originally Posted by Firefox I believe that he is talking about the setup CD that your get from the ISP.
Not drivers.  |
That is a strong possibility but if one is going to post a step by step installation proceedure for doing something then it should be self explainatory without the need of additional questions. I merely mentioned it so that (in hopes) the original poster would step in and clarify the proceedures.
If you are connecting to a wireless network with your wireless router make sure that you install the drivers for the router first.
1) A router Does Not require the installation of drivers
2)A wireless router DOES NOT connect to a wireless network...the connecting to a network (wirelessly or not) is done through a modem or a networking card (NIC)
3) a router will manage or build (by assigning seperate sub addresses)a network (wireless or not) but it does not locate or connect to any other networks (exception.... for specifally designed business application)