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Old 12-01-2007, 07:05 AM
codezmith codezmith is offline
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Default wish to learn more about the registry

Deleting Registry Keys and Values.


Manual editing

The registry can be edited manually in Microsoft Windows by running regedit.exe or regedt32.exe in the Windows directory. However, careless registry editing can cause irreversible damage. Thus, performing back-ups of the registry is highly recommended. Many optimization and "hacking" tools are available to modify this portion of the Windows operating system; it is preferable not to use them unless one has a knowledge of registry workings or wishes to learn more about the registry.
an alterateave to direct edidting would be to create
a .reg file

thes can be used to add / remove

the content of the ".reg" file from the Registry

back up first!! or test Virtualy

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