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Old 10-03-2007, 05:00 AM
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Default Paritioning Using Xp

"To create a new partition or logical drive on a basic disk:
1. In the Disk Management window, complete one of the following procedures, and then continue to step 2:
• To create a new partition, right-click unallocated space on the basic disk where you want to create the partition, and then click New Partition.
• To create a new logical drive in an extended partition, right-click free space on an extended partition where you want to create the logical drive, and then click New Logical Drive.
2. In the New Partition Wizard, click Next.
3. Click the type of partition that you want to create (either Primary partition, Extended partition, or Logical drive), and then click Next.
4. Specify the size of the partition in the Partition size in MB box, and then click Next.
5. Decide whether to manually assign a drive letter, let the system automatically enumerate the drive, or do not assign a drive letter to the new partition or logical drive, and then click Next.
6. Specify the formatting options you want to use by using one of the following procedures:
• If you do not want to format the partition, click Do not format this partition, and then click Next.
• If you want to format the partition, click Format this partition with the following settings, and then complete the following procedure in the Format dialog box:
a. Type a name for the volume in the Volume label box. This is an optional step.
b. Click the file system that you want to use in the File system box.

You can change the disk allocation unit size, and then specify whether to perform a quick format, or enable file and folder compression on NTFS volumes.
Click Next.

7. Confirm that the options that selected are correct, and then click Finish.

The new partition or logical drive is created and appears in the appropriate basic disk in the Disk Management window. If you chose to format the volume in step 6, the format process now starts."

Followed the XP Help files' suggestions...but when it came to right clicking in the empty space, nothing appeard in the drop down menu to denote a partitioning wizard. It says to go to the unpartitioned space...I am assuming that the empty, white space is partitioned, but I want to create another partition within that space.

"Right-click an unallocated region of a basic disk, and then click New Partition, or right-click free space in an extended partition, and then click New Logical Drive. In the New Partition Wizard, click Next, click Primary partition, Extended partition, or Logical drive, and then follow the instructions on your screen."

So, how does one tell if all that white space is unallocated. I would think, that if nothing is on it, then it is...?

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