Originally Posted by Unregistered best way i have found to acomplish this mass migration of info is thus.
C:\ apps and os - pagefile 1.5 x ram. 10k rpm
D:\track drive - no pagefile. 10k rpm
E:\pagefile 1.5 x ram 7200 rpm
letting windows manage my pagefile = D:\ running at 60 - 70 percent capacity. not good when running serious audio apps, playback stops.
page file layed out as mentioned drops disk usage to under 20 percent, tracks are now spread across 3 drives which results in faster access to streaming data as no one drive is trying to carry the full load. if the project fits in alloted pagefile, usage drops further, thus enabling one to get more work done. |
A Windows Managed paging file on any drive is by default 1.5 x system RAM. You can enable the paging file per drive thus "Windows managed" really only means that once you set a paging file to enabled on a drive Windows is able to resize it as needed, which is recommended. Your concern for disk usage if a paging file was enabled on your D drive is not warranted since Windows will use the paging file on the less frequently used partition over the paging file on the heavily used partition and uses an internal algorithm to determine which paging file to use for virtual memory management. You cannot disable this feature if more than one paging file is present. Thus if you are streaming off D: and you have a paging file on another drive Windows will use that paging file for paging. There is absolutely no need to set the paging file manually in Windows XP and no reason to disable it on any drive (outside of disk space concerns).
Originally Posted by Unregistered getting rid of all the useless crap running in the background is of equal importance as well. running real time fx is the holy grail, getting sounds is not a majical process, different sounds need to be tried to avoid frequency stacks ( mud in the mix ) this cannot be accomplished with all the useless crap microsnot "feels" is important on all computers. granted not even 10 percent of the population will ever push their system as hard as i do, not even gamers. fx have to be run real time before you commit to sounds. once rendered ( destructive editing - yes as bad as it sounds, once done and out of the application, its done and cant be undone ) rendering takes place when i am happy with the mix. so i may end up with 60+ tracks with at least 20 to 30 running real time fx. my computer is not a piece of crap, and i found a few of the hints in the article at the top of this thread usefull, so to the author i say, thankyou, you helped me squeaz a little more headroom out of my rig. |
Then you are running the wrong OS because Windows XP is not a Real-time OS, Windows XP Embedded can be run in real-time with third party utilities. But I suspect you are misusing the term and don't understand it. Many people do not understand how Windows works and make assumptions off these misunderstandings. What I have stated is backed up with sources and facts from Microsoft. How these features work is not up to interpretation, this is software and it only works one way. If you want to stick your fingers in your ears and not take the time to read what I have linked then by all means it is your computer and your choice.
The reason I sound authoritative is because I have already researched this and all the sources are provided which mainly go to Microsoft. I am simply trying to prevent people from wasting their time and even worse slowing down their system.