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Old 08-22-2007, 03:19 PM
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Default <!---message within should only be affected--->

From Al's Lab: MAD-LAB 1

Well, I think so...but I still have not resolved the issue of why the inserted code did not appear...see last edit last message...

I think that I am using this bit <b /b> incorrectly... <b should be at the front and /b> should be at the end of the line of code! Duh, never noted that before... I've just been copy and pasting... So, I think I solved my own problem again...

But not the first bit...the disappearing act!

Otherwise, everything seems to be o.k.

Oh, I got politely reamed out be Valacar... I suppose with justification ...although I don't quiet understand the logic behind the "theft..." if one is being drawn to their site, and they thus reap the benefits. Nothing is in it for me. If I was getting some benefit, I would agree, even though I do not understand the concept of the "theft." Maybe you can explain this to me, and our readers.

I've been "building" [patching together] my own code by using downloaded Page Source codes and working from the "known" to the "unknown." Lots of deductive reasoning and smoke! Jumping between the PS and my template ...experimenting with what works and what does not ...therefore from wherever the codes come from, they are the carriers, I would think.

e.g. I made an inquiry of Valacar...then thought that I had resolved it on my own...but...
Valacar: worked out the I leave this on my side bar... If you check the page now, you'll see it on the Techie section...
<div id="banner">
<h1 id="title">
<a href=" World Wide Web Consortium "><img alt="W3C" width="60" height="40" id="logo" src="" /></a>

<a href="./"><span>Markup Validation Service</span></a>
<p id="tagline">Check the markup (HTML, XHTML) of Web documents at</p>

Response: "There problem with that is you're stealing the bandwidth of the, so they're paying each time someone visits your site and views the image. You can read more about the problem of hotlinking here:

Bandwidth Stealing
What is Hotlinking? Bandwidth Theft? Stop Hotlinking and test your Hotlink Protection with our Hotlink Checker from

You would need to download the image, and upload it your site, so the image is hosted on blogspot. I would also condense that code to the following:

<a href=" "><img alt="W3C" width="60" height="40" src="w3c.png " /></a>

<p>Check the markup (HTML, XHTML) of Web documents at</p>

And lastly, I would use another image. Try google image search:

w3c logo - Google Image Search "

Addendum: I think that I feel comfortable enough with state of the universe as it is... I'd like to start working on my background now...jazzing it up a bit...heading over to MySpace to see what their Source View looks like and what does what... TTYL...Al

Last edited by b1caez01; 08-22-2007 at 03:27 PM..
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