William: no problem... as I don't have a clue re: what I am doing...nor can appreciate the languages you refer to. I just go with what works in the context of my template, overwhich I have no control! And I am just tossing out "needs" as they crop up. Sami seems o.k. with it. I chose this forum because it seemed the safest place to go and not upset anyone. I could "talk" off line, if you want...and Sami would prefer. I'm not dense, just need directing.
I have stumbled on some of the fora you refer to where those who know what they seem to be doing are going on about "stuff" that completely mystifies me. Sami seems to be at my speed so far.
I contacted you, as Sami did not seem to pick up on
my need for the SysChat linking code...and I thought that that was because he was unaware of it. So, I went to the "top" to see if you were aware of it, and would not mind sharing it.
To Sami: I seem to have got the Google business sorted out on my own, thanks...
now I am trying to insert a similar image, using the SysChat image in the upper left of your web pages. I can't find the specific code in the "source view" of the page...and until I have that, I can't experiment with where it goes in my template. What I usually do, is download the image, then upload it as an addition to my regular posts...that gives me the image code...then I transfer that over to my template...that gives me the image...
now I need to integrate that with an activation code to get it to respond to a viewers cursor and take them to SysChat.com ...tap on the image...go to SysChat...ta da! ...just as it is now, on the SysChat site
I also might share something that I discovered, and you guys may already know, but your readers don't...
I mentioned earlier that templates should have instructions built into them, but instructions that cannot be seen in the actual end result. I discovered that once I found the magic place to set the code, if I inserted <!-----[message]----> just above the insertion point, it stayed there to guide me, and was not seen in the finished view.
Wow, was that an incite and of great help. It all boiled down to the
! mark...without it the dashed bar and notes showed.
Here's the example:
<!-- End #main -->
<!--------delete this line before posting------------->
<!-- Begin #sidebar -->
<div id="sidebar"><div id="sidebar2">
<!--------then in here I place the necessary code--->
<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><A HREF="http://www.eff.org/br/"><IMG
SRC="http://www.eff.org/br/br.gif" ALT="[Blue Ribbon Campaign icon]"
Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!</A><BR /></DIV>
<!-- Begin #profile-container -->
<!--------and in here I place the necessary code--->
<!-- End #profile -->
Hey, this stuff is fun...and I am well past the age of retirement 
I'm pretty much just copy and pasting, so not a lot of understanding of what I'm actually doing is needed.