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Old 07-27-2007, 06:25 AM
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Script Web Development Forum

We could technically say that the html editing comes under the 'Development' forum, but I know what you mean. I posted a thread about some .asp but had little response.
Perhaps we could should talk to Sami and see what he thinks we can do.

We don't seem to get very many posts concerning code from what I can see. Holding more discussions on the subject could well bring in more viewers and give us the opportunity to see a bit more of what's going on in the world of software development.

I've only recently started looking at .asp which is essentially VB script, and I'm already having problems,

Do you have your own HTML editor? I'm using Dreamweaver at the moment, which is really useful, and at the same time really annoying!

I don't know if you're aware but the blog pages seem to be mht, which handles scripts slightly differently:

'Web document formatted using the MIME HTML or "MHTML" standard; encodes images and other media files referenced by a .HTML document into the same file the HTML is stored in; the data is encoded using .MIME encoding.

Most Web pages viewed in a Web browser only contain HTML and reference images and other media files that are stored in other directories on the server; because all the files are encoded into a single file in a MHTML document, MHT files are commonly used to archive Web pages'

Information provided by MHT File Extension - Open .MHT files



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