*typing end of thread, does not end a thread, lol.
an image, such as a cd image, is usually a single file, reduced atleast a little in size, it is not meant to be used as an OS, for that, just install the OS again, or copy the files to another partition, and run a fixmbr/fixboot to help the MBR find both copies.
And thus my query... How can you install a second version on the slave, if the second versions, system32 folder is on the first. You'd have to unplug the first, to load the second, then replug the first to get started, then the registry would be fighting over the first or the second for needed files...does not sound logical to me.
to be honest... i have no idea what you mean by this... if you install a 2nd copy, they are not dependent on any files or folders, there will be 2 System32 folders, not 1. There will be massive OS instability if you allow more than 1 OS to modify a single set of these files, also if a virus attacks 1 OS, the other is gone too... which leaves me with the "why would you want this silly situation?"