My "components", and a micro computer. Hey everyone! I've got some serious business. I'm building a micro, but that isn't the issue. The issue is my gateway serial number 0025541832 model number mfatxstlelp500c is a problem child and I think its something inside the computer. We have had to take it to our local computer shop 4 times and I was wondering if anybody else with a gateway with a similar model number or similar gateway has experienced these problems where they have to take their computer to the shop it gets so bad. Is there something wrong with my components so I can explain to my parents it isn't my fault!?! Is it the motherboard? The BIOS chip, the RAM, the processor or the power supply even?!??? So I have decided to build my own micro computer so that my parents cannot blame me for messing up the computer. Please guys just help me out on this, and thanks so much.