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Old 06-12-2007, 12:19 AM
sargeusmc sargeusmc is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
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Default How to find Files

Where can I go to see every file that is on my computer. I can't navigate around in XP Pro so well as it's new too me. Is it true that the I386 folder is only found on my set- up disk, and I have to make a back up or recovery disk to be able to access it? I want to see everything that is on my computer whether part of XP or my downloaded files or software. Thanks gang!! You all have been a lot of help to me here lately. I am learning a lot and am sure I will have many more things to bug you with in the future. But I'm having fun learning. WHO said you can't teach an old Devil Dog new tricks?!!! Sarge

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