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Old 01-17-2006, 12:06 AM
VDHG VDHG is offline
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ON the dating part of this topic...

I doubt that the site owners bought a database of people and just put it on there. I always hear stories about this person met this person on the net and they finally met in real life and got married. THere are real people on there but if you need the net to hide who you really are and can't get a date or too shy to get a date in real life and resort to eDating then there are some discrepincies... You can be WHOEVER and WHATEVER you want to be on the net cause 5/10 times no one wil know. =(

You are right melinda they make plenty. THey sold myspace for half a billion $'s right? (500,000,000)...
You get enough people on a site the rate that your ads get clicked increases and your revenue increases at the same time.

Myspace was NOT thought of by it's former owner but the idea stolen from another company/site.
Pretty sad when tsuphat happens and the original creator spent time and another company/site with MONEY supersized it into what it is today.

Almost all my school is on myspace... Great place but some real weird people.

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