windows system32 error Hi,
I seem to have an unsolvable problem relating to a corrupt registry. From internet forum searches, this would appear to be because the registry file has exceeded 18 megs.
When starting my computer, I get the error message that windows cannot start due to a missing or corrupted file "windows\system32\config\system
The various forums suggest the cure of running the windows installation cd and selecting the repair console option "r", then a password which leads to the repair console itself.
However, when I do this, and select "1" as the only windows installation I have, instead of the password screen, I get notification that a problem has been detected, and windows has shut down to prevent damage to the computer. A recommendation is given to check hardware and software installations, and to try starting in safe mode.
When starting in safe mode, I end up with the error message that the computer cannot start due to the missing or corrupted file "windows\system32\...............
I'm just going round in circles.
"There's a hole in my bucker, Dear Liza..........."
Can anyone offer advice to break the cintinuing circle?