For the most part my sentiments too,but there's something I don't get:
You say :
I'm a bit of an uber-geek, and I want to let you know something,.....as of right now, there is not an option other then Aero that cant be added to xp.
yet you bought Vista and are running it on your pc.Why?
Vista was available before it came out and was free to try.
Copies of Vista are all over the internet to try out.
Even now,if you're not satisfied with it ,return it and you can get your money back.(Depending how long you've used it)
Microsoft North American Retail Product Refund Guidelines
I'm still running XP Pro and don't intend to change,but would be interested to know
which apps you refer to on Vista,that can be run in XP.
Please do us all a favor and list the items and where to get them

that would be more constructive and help us stay with XP
Thank YOU.