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Old 04-05-2007, 04:20 PM
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Good point...but should we not get the issue of the possibility that a driver was or was not, needed, out of the way first...especially if it is under some sort of warranty? The set up files should have stated how to do this and that. The package it came in should have noted compatibility issues...

mmmm...something as simple as knowing if it is P/P, plug and play, would be of value... If Windows does not pick up on that, then we have a real may be in Windows, or in the media player, or in the fact that the two are incompatible for some reason...then it may be a driver issue...

Apologies, I am just thinking out loud...

Once the donkey work is out of the way, then we can get down to brass tacks and rummage through the possible solutions.

But then, I don't have a clue about mp3 players and all of this media stuff!

...duh... ;(

My loss...

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