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Old 04-02-2007, 04:29 PM
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Default VOIP or HYPE

Keep in mind the old saying...what I am saying is not necessarily what you are hearing there is a chasm between us...

At the computer level, the network between the input and the output has many competing factors to deal with... Try to imagine a network utilizing all the forms of delivery service trying to use the one communications-input-service -VOIP is the same with software delivery over the net...what is leaving my system is going a mile a second, but what is entering your system is going a mile an hour...[or the reverse] the whole system suffers because EVERYONE is not playing the game with the same deck of cards...

Eventually, we will all have to be on one high speed delivery system, in the meantime, go slow on spending a lot for hype, over service...

Aim low, avoid disappointment

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