Thread: hd-none
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Old 03-23-2007, 09:43 AM
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i am not familiar with all forms of notebooks and their inner workings, but if the bios will not recognize the drive, there are only 2 real options here assuming it does not boot:
1) faulty cable, the connector to the drive somehow has been severed inside enough to improperly connect the drive and needs to be replaced if possible.
2) the drive has failed and cannot be read from.

When you boot the machine what happens? How far into the boot does it go?
Are there any indications of the hardrive spinning?
Do you have a 3.5 to 2.5 converter? You could test the drive as a slave drive inside a working desktop to ensure the drive is not damaged.

Also when you say you tried linux, i'm assuming you used a live cd?
*Eg, this laptop has both a cd drive and floppy?


</Dream In Code>
-William. ยง (marvin_gohan)
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