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Old 03-07-2007, 07:31 AM
mdbassman mdbassman is offline
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Default Thanks!

I may have mis-lead you in my "needs". My present computer has major problems. It hasn't died yet. I really don't want to "mirror" the entire contents of the old computer JUST my music, photos, word docs...essentially everything but the booting portion of the old computer.
My pictures files and word docs being the very most important. I just want to back everything up so when the new system comes I can up load all my "third party" software(and its .exe file hopefully) and files onto the new computer.
As I believe I stated, I "get by" working on a computer..I just want to be able to upload what I have saved to my 2 external hard drives to the new computer with their file architecture in tact. By that I mean that in my Photoshop categories how I have the images categorized and sub-categorized for easy viewing and access. I have over 10,000 photos and I would hate to have to re-catagorize all them to the way they were b4 new system.
The feedback I have been getting is that the Acronis True Image 10.0 is the way to go.
The Norton Ghost has not been getting good reviews from industry nor users. That had been my 1st choice but reading reviews led me to Acronis.
I am just above an entry level computer user so the easier this is the better.
Thanks for your input.

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