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Kaabi 12-11-2005 04:58 PM

512 MB RAM
The computer that I am using has 512 MB of RAM, is that good? This computer goes pretty fast, so I'm assuming that 512 MB of RAM is pretty good. The reason I ask this question is because I'm thinking of upgrading my RAM, and I'm not sure that if I upgrade I will be able to get a noticeable difference. Is 512 MB enough, or will upgrading it give my computer a huge performance boost?

CMan 12-11-2005 05:04 PM

If youre running XP, 512Mb is pretty good. It all depends on what applications you are using and the other components in the computer, because a really good computer with 512Mb could use an upgrade. If you are playing alot of games and memory intensive appliactions, 1Gb would help a little. RAM is getting cheap, another 512 would only cost $40ish. Also, check your RAM speed, that will also effect the performance.


Kaabi 12-11-2005 05:54 PM

I also have another question. I use dial up (boooo!), and will increasing the RAM make the Internet go faster, even though my connection is slow? When I play games, it goes relatively fast, I've haven't had much lagging, but online it takes such a long time to load pages. I'm pretty sure Internet speed completely depends on the connection, but I'm just wondering, because I will do anything to make this faster.

Optimit 12-11-2005 07:54 PM

512 RAM is ok, if your not playing high end games or using some rendering software. Upgrading it may increase your PCs performance, but will probably not do a lot on the net for you. Some sites that use video may run a little better, but general surfing won't be changed.

slick4788 12-14-2005 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Kaabi
I also have another question. I use dial up (boooo!), and will increasing the RAM make the Internet go faster, even though my connection is slow? When I play games, it goes relatively fast, I've haven't had much lagging, but online it takes such a long time to load pages. I'm pretty sure Internet speed completely depends on the connection, but I'm just wondering, because I will do anything to make this faster.

If it is both an online and offline game, and you have experienced it offline with it being not laggy. It's most likely your internet connection. 512mb RAM is good for some games, but it must be a old game. Which game we tlaking about here?

MrCodeDude 12-17-2005 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Kaabi
I also have another question. I use dial up (boooo!), and will increasing the RAM make the Internet go faster, even though my connection is slow? When I play games, it goes relatively fast, I've haven't had much lagging, but online it takes such a long time to load pages. I'm pretty sure Internet speed completely depends on the connection, but I'm just wondering, because I will do anything to make this faster.

No, nothing will increase your internet speed other than getting a different internet connection.

512MB is becoming the pretty common-day number for recommened memory to be installed. I'd suggest 1GB if you are playing relatively intensive games at any decently sized resolution. There is a huge difference playing BF2 on 1GB compared to playing it on only 512MB. As for everyday browsing, you won't notice a difference.

GFX^^ 01-12-2006 10:11 AM

it really depends on which programs do u run, which games etc. in my case i think 512 wouldn't be too much, cause i have always got: photoshop, dreamweaver, illustrator and firefox open

BMFX 01-12-2006 01:22 PM

Yeah Like All Have Said Matters What You Are USing For... I Mean For Alot Of Bussiness 2 GB Is Stock And GAmers Normally Like 1 GB At lest. I Really HAte 512 MB of Ram, Wont Run BF2 Well Or Any Thing... S YEah I mean it's Around Middal. So Yeah I Recommend 1 GB Though.

ChatMod#1 03-08-2006 02:03 AM

MrCodeDude, you can increase your internet connection speed. I used to get 40.0 and 38.8 kbps, but now i mainly get 50.0 and 45.5kbps. I increased it by using a few software and cleaning up my comp, which also made my comp way faster.:)

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