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Old 01-22-2007, 09:44 PM
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I_Hate_My_Computer I_Hate_My_Computer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 49
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Flag Red Need Viruse Help Fast

I recently had to get a new hard drive on one of my computers due to a hard drive failure. I downloaded "Drive Vaccine" I was told it was good on a different web site. It didn't work nothing got recovered. Now I can't delete that program even if I go to the windows add/remove programs utility and say remove it will not let me push next to remove it. If I right click delete then erase it from my recycle bin it deletes it till I restart and it appears again. I need help or I could have to pay for a third hard drive because it is deleting data that I have.


Remember I Hate My Computer

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