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Software Sales 09-04-2007 05:52 AM

486 Computer
Hi there

is it possilble to help me with my 486 acer computer because my PSU allows my HDD to run ,but not my CDROM, is it a problem with my PSU or my motherboard

is there not an updated bios for the following :

OS : Windows 95
bios :Acer/Ibm V2.0

I will send you the rest later



William_Wilson 09-05-2007 03:17 PM

Does the computer work?
Have you tried exchanging the cable connecting the CD drive?
Do you have them on a single IDE?

Software Sales 09-10-2007 09:26 AM

486 Computer
Hi William

The 486 Computer Works, I have tried it already, it must be the power Supply or some sort because I had to preinstall Windows 98 by removing the HDD and pluging it in to my other computer to copy files over.

The CDROM doesnt work as soon as I plug it in to the Secondary IDE socket and and when I plug the power in . The HDD doesnt seem to function, but as soon as I unplug the CD ROM Drive

The HDD is working again.

Please help ...


Software Sales

squirrelnmoose 09-21-2007 09:52 AM

If HDD and CD are on the same cable make sure the jumper on each are set, one to master and the other to slave.

If this is not the case, a bad component can keep the system from booting properly. Try another CD drive, you can find them new for under $20, or find a used one. If you still have issues, you are probably right about the power supply. Easy to replace, if you can find another one.

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