Right then...I foobar'd my rig and needed to do a clean install so I formatted and reinstalled XP Pro.
I have a Belkin Wireless G+ USB Adaptor and a BT Home Hub (wireless router thing). So anyway I have never used the wireless before so I figured while I was starting again I may as well get it up and running. However the ISP CD has wireless connection management software, my usb adaptor has connection software and now XP is poking its nose in with its conection manager.
My wireless wont work!
It can't find the Hub (I assume that this is because of all the connection managers running) how can I turn off the Windows wireless connection manager without disabling my wireless adaptor and how can I use my Hub with out the BT software? If anyone has any answers for my I'd be grateful.
Sat here with a wire coming out of my wireLESS hub...