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Old 12-05-2006, 12:52 PM
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William_Wilson William_Wilson is offline
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It is nice to see you do some research on what you read and do not take it at face value, but just because they are listed as commong myths, does not make that so either.
Have you ever attempted any of these changes listed here?

Task Scheduler Service DO NOT EVER DISABLE THIS! Doing so will disable Windows XP Prefetching and cripple your boot and application startup times.
ok i agree task scheduler should not be stopped, but the prefetch is not why, my prefetch is not running currently and has not been for almost 3 years, my performance between a custum start up and disabling prefetch has never been better, but you must implement something of your own if you remove prefetch, otherwise it has the potential to slow your system down.

Empty the Windows 'Prefetch' folder 150% wrong. That is not how Windows Prefetching works. Nothing is preloaded at startup, these files are there as a REFERENCE to optimally load applications to RAM. Only ONE Prefetch Trace file is Referenced at Windows startup = NTOSBOOT-B00DFAAD.P. The Prefetch folder is self cleaning at 128 entries and never should be cleaned. Unused prefetch files do nothing but take up a ridiculously small amount of disk space.
pretty much true, but there is no reason why the folder cannot be emptied, file size is not the issue here, search time is, and XP has one of the worst going for the age of it's OS. By emtying the list progs start slightly slower the next time they are launched, once they become what is considered "frequent" they are added to the prefetch log again, thus programs you no longer use as often will not be in the search.

Optimize Your 'Pagefile' Just leave it at system managed.
I play with my registry and other windows settings daily to try and improve performance and simply learn what they do. For the most part just leave this as windows managed, it's even what i've come to do, but if you have computer knowledge or are unafraid of a little mess, go ahead.

Force Windows to unload DLLs - Myth, this does nothing in XP.
i think i know what he is trying to do, and here's a better way. Simply run this file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\tsdiscon.exe it should detatch all non linked dll's in your ram from taking up memory.

Speed up shutdown times - This is set to 0 by default.


</Dream In Code>
-William. ยง (marvin_gohan)
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