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Old 12-05-2006, 08:24 AM
Mastertech Mastertech is offline
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Thumbs down Prefetch information is 150% incorrect

All the Prefetching information here is 150% wrong. That is not how Windows Prefetching works. Do not disable it, do not tweak it and do not clean the prefetch folder. All will SLOW DOWN your system. Anyone who claims otherwise has not only never properly tested it but has absolutely NO idea how Windows XP prefetching works:

XP Myths - Myths Regarding Windows XP


Windows XP: Kernel Improvements Create a More Robust, Powerful, and Scalable OS
Windows XP: Kernel Improvements Create a More Robust, Powerful, and Scalable OS -- MSDN Magazine, December 2001

Kernel Enhancements for Windows XP
Kernel Enhancements for Windows XP

Windows XP Performance
Microsoft Windows XP Performance

Benchmarking on Windows XP
Benchmarking on Windows XP: Home Edition and Professional

Windows XP Professional Resource Kit
Windows XP Resource Kit: Troubleshooting Disks and File Systems


Ryan Myers - Windows Client Performance Team

Misinformation and the The Prefetch Flag
Funny, It Worked Last Time : Misinformation and the The Prefetch Flag

Ed Bott - Author Widows XP Inside Out

One more time: do not clean out your Prefetch folder!
One more time: do not clean out your Prefetch folder! | Ed Bott’s Windows Expertise |

Beware of Bogus XP Advice
Beware of Bogus XP Advice | Ed Bott’s Windows Expertise |

Tip of the day: Don’t clean out the Prefetch folder
Tip of the day: Don’t clean out the Prefetch folder | Ed Bott’s Windows Expertise |

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