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Old 12-05-2006, 08:19 AM
Mastertech Mastertech is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
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Thumbs down Full of Myths and Bad Advice

I don't know what misinformed site this was copied from but it is full of multiple Myths and bad information that will actually SLOW DOWN you system:

XP Myths - Myths Regarding Windows XP

Task Scheduler Service DO NOT EVER DISABLE THIS! Doing so will disable Windows XP Prefetching and cripple your boot and application startup times.

Empty the Windows 'Prefetch' folder 150% wrong. That is not how Windows Prefetching works. Nothing is preloaded at startup, these files are there as a REFERENCE to optimally load applications to RAM. Only ONE Prefetch Trace file is Referenced at Windows startup = NTOSBOOT-B00DFAAD.P. The Prefetch folder is self cleaning at 128 entries and never should be cleaned. Unused prefetch files do nothing but take up a ridiculously small amount of disk space.

Optimize Your 'Pagefile' Just leave it at system managed.

Force Windows to unload DLLs - Myth, this does nothing in XP.

Speed up shutdown times - This is set to 0 by default.

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