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Old 11-07-2006, 10:57 PM
Katalyst Katalyst is offline
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Unhappy Need Bios Help- Phoenix D686 on an SBC...

I have about 15 HS-6037 P-III/Celeron SBCs' with phoenix D686 Bios chips. The problem is that I bought them used, really cheap from a third-party supplier who knew nothing about them, and after the purchase, in examining them, I find that some of the bios chips contain passwords. I have found NO WAY TO RESET THEM. Suggestions? I can't even flash them, because to do so requires a FDD, which I am unable to enable due to my password problem. IS THERE ANY WAY TO HACK THIS BIOS? I don't want to be stuck with a pile of worthless hardware!
-The Katalystik Scientist/H.A.-SNU

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