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gwm121 06-04-2007 01:47 PM

4 floppies to cd
Ive got a legal early copy of works on 4 floppies, and its sooo good, as small and quick. I can also load just the database.

I copied the 4 floppies onto a cd, but it only runs the first, I cant get it to keep going through the 4 files.

Anyone done this/ know how??

William_Wilson 06-04-2007 04:40 PM

it has to do with the setup sector, it assumes another disk, when you are prompted for another disc, if it gives the option to find a specific location, choose the folder which contains the next disc.

darkwing 06-04-2007 07:46 PM

If there are no common files, then maybe you can copy them all to the one folder. Otherwise, you may have to burn 3 discs OR Create ISO's of the disk (eg: google CDIMAGE, which can make ISO images of folders). Then you can use a virtual CD Drive and mount each image as required (google: DAEMON TOOLS: a popular drive emulator). This way you don't waste any CDs at all.

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