OK, what I've learned is by installing a copy of Erunt on my 98SE machine and forcing it to do a bland backup, (regardless of the different structures), is that the restore copy was supposed to have additional files in it, which Erunt did not create.
More likely it created them in my logon folder I was in at the time on xp, being \Mike\Windows, since I don't have a c:\ERDNT folder showing up in XP, only C:\Windows\Erndt, which again ONLY had the hive files in it.
Lars says this, later in his Readme file...
ERDNT knows two restoration modes. The right mode is usually auto-
detected each time ERDNT is run, but read on if you are experiencing
problems restoring the registry.
"NT" mode is used if you run the ERDNT program from within the same
system where you made the backup. This is determined by looking at the
[SystemRoot] entry in the ERDNT.INF file and comparing it to the
actual %SystemRoot% environment variable. Using "NT" mode is the only
way to successfully restore the active registry of the currently
running OS.
"File copy" mode is used if the currently running OS is NOT NT-based,
or if the [SystemRoot] entry does not match the %SystemRoot%
environment variable. In this mode the backed up registry files are
simply copied back to their original location.
MS-DOS based ERDNT only supports "File copy" mode.
Note: In restoration mode "NT" backups of the current registry files
are automatically created, so that option is grayed out. In
restoration mode "File copy" all saved user registries are
automatically restored, so you cannot choose between "current user"
and "other user" registries.
The backups of the current registry files are placed in the same
location as the original and are given the extension ".bak".
Experienced users don't even need to use the ERDNT program in other
operating systems to restore a registry backup. Given access to the
appropriate files and folders, the backed up files can simply be
copied back to their original location, as that is all ERDNT does
in "File copy" mode anyway. Have a look at the ERDNT.INF file to
find out what the original file locations are.
The additional structures created should have included...
So, I'm wondering if this hive copy can even be restored from the recovery console, since it appears this should have been .bak files as Lars says he just re-copies the system portion of the registry.
Can anyone identify what the .con file should have as a content and if it's a human readable. Google has not helped any. Possibly if I manually create the .con and .inf files I can still restore this copy.