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Old 05-18-2006, 05:47 AM
jperret2003 jperret2003 is offline
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After installing one of the many Updates that Microsoft sends - i found that i no longer have System Restore on my computer - or for that matter nothing even asso. with it.- where did it go????? Any way after reading a long of the know. base on Microsoft's pages about the only way to get it back is to do a reinstall - I would like to find an easier way around this if i can. Thanks

Originally Posted by Sami
Windows XP has a great feature to allow users create Restore Points, Before you install new software, add hardware devices, or change the registry you might want to create a Restore Point. This way if something goes wrong with the changes you made, you can revert back to previous state.

To create restore points follow the steps below:
  • Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> click System Restore.
  • In the System Restore dialog box -> click Create a restore point -> click Next.
  • Type a description for your restore point, such as "Before install_on_Apr30", -> click Create.
If your system fails, and you want to revert back to your previous state
Press F8 in the boot menu, and then click Last known good configuration.
Windows XP restores your system to the most recent restore point.

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