there is no software that can actually tell you a drive is failling, i've had them go in a matter of minutes.
It does sound suspicious, but it could be many things, a shift in your case, a loose screw.. are you sure it is coming from the hard drive itself?
I have a hard drive that made noises then one day it stopped making them... still using it and that was over 3 yrs ago.
When a drive is failling most often the read arm slows, or the drive begins to spin with some irregularities, these are the things software can pick up and they try to guess based on the % of errors if the drive is failling or just common alignment error (that all dirves have to some degree).
It may not be a bad idea to think about getting another drive, or atleast backing up important data, even a drive making no signs of failling could fail right...... now, lol