Thread: [Question] What can I delete?
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Old 10-04-2011, 08:19 PM
Debraherrose Debraherrose is offline
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Default What can I delete?

My computer has become to slow, it says my virtual memory is low and I need to delete things in add and remove. I have already followed their step by step in the Power Boost for windows but I'm not sure what to remove from the next step. I have looked up many programs and security updates but do not know what is a safe and and what is useless. Such as can I delete security updates for Windows XP and Internet Explorer from past years, or do they all work together? Also, Microsoft .NET FRAMEWORK 2.0 & 3.0 SERVICE PACK 2, HOTFIX FOR WINDOWS XP, UPDATES FOR WINDOWS XP, SECURITY UPDATES FOR WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER. There are so many for each year, I don't know if they must stay or are taking up memory. Thank You for your help. Debra

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