Thread: Laptop Trouble
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Old 04-19-2011, 09:11 PM
Paige Paige is offline
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trouble Laptop Trouble

Hi, last night I fell asleep with my Gateway laptop on my bed and it made a noise so I woke up, but I became frustrated and just shut it without closing anything out. In the morning I checkd on it and everything was normal, it had two options "Start Windows Normly, and Launch Startup Repair(recomended)" I clicked the second one and it came to a repair screen. 30 seconds later it said, "Windows cannot repair this couputer automatically", and then a box popped up that says " Send information about this problem(recomended), and Dont send". I tried both but the dont work. I even went back and tried start windows normaly but when I did that a green loading bar came up and then went black and came back blue and then black and the to the two choices at the begining again. p.s. I have recently installed Adobe Flash Pro 8, I dont know if thats the cause or not. PLEASE HELP!! ALL MY MUSIC, PICTURES, VIDEOS, AND HOMEWORK ARE ON THERE!!

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