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Old 11-18-2010, 08:08 AM
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b1caez01 b1caez01 is offline
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If there is one thing that I have learned over the years, once you reformat, you must reinstall everything from scratch. Load windows, then immediately go to the Device Manager and start loading all the missing drivers. I keep them all on a burned CD. Barring anything odd about your set up that should be it. When you first set up linksys you had an install disc...find it and use it. Barring that, get a friend to download the install files from their url and burn it on a disc for you. If you have the hardware already try another link, eg. "d-Link" Have your friend do the same thing.

What is your original source for linksys? ...telephone line, dsl, sure that the source cable is firmly embedded in your router, and that your card is firmly planted and set up in device manager.

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