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Old 07-12-2010, 11:04 AM
big_jas21 big_jas21 is offline
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Default My programs are not opening up on my computer.

Recently, my computer has started having difficulty opening program files. When I click to open, the wait icon appears and then after awhile disappears, but the program never opens. When I check the task manager it doesn't show up under applications. The program shows up when I click the processes tab, but shows no CPU usage being applied to executing the task. I always have 30+ processes showing even when I first start my computer.

I have also noticed that my virus protections (windows live one care) is not on/working.

I tried to plug in my ipod in the usb port, and it just keeps saying do not unplug. Like it's having problems loading as well.

I am able to get onto the internet via firefox, but not internet explorer.

Do you know what could be wrong? I'm guessing it's some sort of virus, malware, spyware, etc. from looking at the other posts, but I'm no computer expert.

I also tried to do the system restore / back up, but can't access it. It tries to load, but it never comes up.

Please help!!!!

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