sup. just replaced my evga 7600 gt to a evga gts 250 1gb. i installed it with out any problems had to use the power adapter it came with couse my power supply doesent hava a 6 prong connecter. the adapter is 2 hd 4 prong connections to a 6 prong connection.
when i had everthing pluged in and turned on my pc the fans were about 10 sec longer then usuel on high mode, then im sure it was booting up fine couse the lights on my keyboard were blinking like alwasy. but after all this the video on the monitor was still not showing up,
motherboard is a asus p5n-e sli, 650 watt powersupply, 2gb ram, 500gb hd,windows xp 32.
was going to try uninstalling or disableing the drivers of the old video card.
or reseting jumpers to clear the cmos. no error beebs come up
i dont think its the card couse ive looked around and found some ppl with the same problem and they have tryed it on diff pc and worked. dident realy find much on this thats why im puting up a post. last time ive posted some thing here i got some real good help.
was puting up this post today and on friday ima go back home and try again.
can any one help me with this problem
