Thread: [Question] I want some suggesions
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Old 06-01-2010, 06:47 PM
metal333 metal333 is offline
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Default Regarding Projects

Hey Sudhir,
You can do your mini and major project on image processing. I suggest you to work in face
Recognition algorithm in 3D images for your major project and line detection algorithm
Development for your mini project.
Since in face recognition, lot of work has been done in only 2D images and field of 3D images
has not experienced major research so you can do something new and creative in this field.
For your mini project , you may work on a line detection algorithm which will detect a
line in an given image and to display position of a vehicle relative to line(behind the line, on
the line, ahead of line).
So if u are interested in these projects , I can provide you details.
Thanking you

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