Pls help,xp patition cant boot safemode nor normal afta I chekd'safeboot' in msconfig Hello friends. Please I really need help here. I have two partitions Vista and xp on my aspire laptop. Vista was preinstalled. I've had this 4 long and in perfect condition. Recently,I wanted to install a software in the xp partition that requires that I boot into I decided to activate safeboot on gui by checking it at ''msconfig'' but after this I reboot the machine, so it can boot via safemode, but the pc refused to boot neither thru safemode nor normal startup. I mean the xp partition no longer boots.each time I try booting safemode, it gets to a point ''multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(4)\windows\syst em32\Apppatch\drvmain.sdb'' & pauses wit msg ''press escape to cancel loading SPTD.SYS'' pls guys I need help2solve this.I tryd repairing d windows xp but wen it prompts 4 Admin password, I enter my admin password but it keeps rejecting it. Pls help my xp partition is valuable. Thanks a lot in advance.