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Old 12-14-2005, 03:07 PM
Kamesh Kamesh is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 45
Kamesh is on a distinguished road

Default do we have anyone intersted in hackin

Ok, so my friends (who know jack about computers) got this scripting program. Basically, they are voting in the Hottest College Girl contest, and they want a certain person to win. Therefore they have set up the script so it votes for the girl, clears their cookies, then votes again.
Now, they arent seeing results and they think its because someone else is using the script for the other chic also, but I know its just because the website is using IP checks to determine who has already voted, and not cookies. So basically they are getting nowhere.
Now, I am just interested, is it even possible to make a script that will allow multiple votes from one PC? I have heard of it messing up some online polls (people hacking polls, etc.) but I just don't understand how it could be done. Perhaps run an IP ghoster in the background while running the script? Or would it involve some more advanced script writing?

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