Thread: lan connections
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Old 06-07-2009, 09:39 AM
DanielGray DanielGray is offline
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If you only want to connect the two computers to be able to copy files, it is much easier to take the hard drive out of the other system and plug it into the computer where the files are located. Copy the files you need and your done.

But if you want to connect the two computers physically to be able to share files, here are some tips you could execute:
1. Use a serial cable and attach to the checked system on Com1. Access the network-icon within the Control Panel of the checked system. Click ‘Add’.
2. Click ‘Service’, as well as ‘Microsoft’.
3. Access the Printer as well as File Sharing. The network is now installed. Click ‘Identification’ tab. Assign a name for the computer and fill out the required information.
4. Click ‘Identification’ tab. Access the File and Print Sharing. Check the items within this Window. Press OK.
5. Click ‘Add”, ‘Protocol’, including the ‘Microsoft’. Double clicking the IPX/SPX Protocol to install the necessary application. Click the ‘Dial Adapter’, and press OK. This procedure will be utilized to load the required drivers.
6. Repeat all the processes with the system you want to link.
7. Proclaim that the files or folder within the server as “Shared”. Right-Clicking the folders you may want to share click “Shared As”.
8. Begin the Direct Cable Connection within the Start Menu > Program > Accessories within the two computers.
9. Follow the necessary instructions and set a Host system and a Client.
10. Choose the Com1 serial connection
11. Wait for guest request and enter the required identification to link to the other system.

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