the recovery D drive has 1.37 GB free of 8.44 GB and the C drive has 2.40 GB free of 103 GB.....i mean i dont know what is wrong i bought memory maybe 4 months ago i cant remember 1GB or 2GB maybe i installed the memory wrong but if all you have to do is stick it in there then it should be good right? or am i missing do i remove the or even find this virus any programs you can suggest? i think also i might have uninstalled something maybe i shouldnt have but i cant remember what that was either lol i was trying to get rid of things i dont normally use to make it faster but that was i before i learned of buying memory....think maybe i should just get a new comp and also this is 32bit not 64bit i heard 64bits are supposed to be the newer ones thatll be able to handle future programs and what not better or something like that...yes it is the installed physical memory RAM that has 2.50GB ....i wish i knew more about computers than i pretend i do lol i really thank anyone for their help