Re-Inventing the wheel I really hate vista, i dont like apple and linux isnt my taste either. Ok i dont mind them since they all have their good areas but in my opinion Vista is a step too far. I mean how many people like to see a BSOD every time they install a driver? How many people like waiting half an hour in front of a loading screen? no one? thats what I thought.
I know pascal, and can get around in Ruby, Javascript, Visual Basic, Qbasic and also in HTML. Is there any tutorial that will explain making an operating system clearly and at a very beginner example for free? every tutorial Ive seen has been more or less (honestly) a mess that only works if the conditions of your system are met to the last degree and that doesn't happen often. So if there is any course/tutorial or someone to get me going please let me know. I really know nothing about ASM or Assembler and my deduction is that you have to know ASM very well to start developing an OS, which I dont and every page that is supposed to explain or teach you it has only confused me more.
Any help would be REALLY appreciated.