Hi Benjamin. It doesn't work. I've downloaded Recuva using FileHippo to the old laptop's HD which is now a portable HD. Since the old laptop keeps coming up with that error message and it just doesn't run, I've connected the portable HD to the new laptop and ran the checker. However, the checker checks the new laptop itself and not the portable HD for missing files or outdated files.
I did manage to open the portable HD and get most of my other files and folders over to my new laptop. What is missing is still my contacts in Microsoft Outlook. There is a OUTLFLTR which is a DAT file in Microsoft Office under Program Files. Is this the data file for my contacts? If yes, is there any chance of merging it with the one on my new laptop?
If this still can't be done, then I guess I'll have to get the laptop to the PC shops to get it done.